This Guest paper was submitted for publication in February 2021.
It is copyright to Jessica Fender, 2021.
Published here June 2021

Introduction | Why Is a Content Plan Essential? 
Part 1 - Tips to Implement for Starters | Part 2 - Tips for Content
Part 3 - Tips for Structure  | Part 4 - Tips for Awareness  | Conclusion

Part 3 - Tips for Structure

7.  Divide and Then Divide Even More

A good content plan will not ask your IT specialists to embrace one huge part of the project at a time. All tasks must be divided into sub-tasks which will help to estimate the workflow, possible missing components and make team members more motivated as smaller portions of work are easier to cover. Specific timeframes for each part, as well as frequent review of completed parts by the client, should be represented in the detailed high-level outline. This will help to avoid affecting critical components such as the final deadline and the project's budget.

8.  Decide What Formats Are the Most Efficient

Most likely that the IT project you need to write a content plan for utilizes different forms of conveying the message and achieving its purpose. A web resource with multiple info-graphics embedded into the structure will have other requirements than the educational app with hundreds of videos. Thus, you should consider the peculiarities of requested formats and adjust your content plan accordingly. Modern trends, such as the constant growth of interest in audio and video formats, may require altering the entire IT project's strategy and initial content plan development as a result.

9.  Focus on Measurable Marketing Goals

The major idea is not only thinking about the content alone, even though it is the central element of the content plan. Think about the income, as an IT project is intended to bring some useful things in the world and generate revenue flow. Think about end-users and how they will treat the final project. Implementing measurable criteria to estimate the success based on the market and social research will be beneficial for the entire IT project and involved stakeholders. Keeping in mind major company's goals, whether it is sustainable growth or brand awareness, is also needed to align all components of your content plan with global strategy.

10.  Use Efficient Software and Tools

Convenient tools for creating, managing content, applying, and tracking changes are things that allow your content plan to exist and smoothly turn all steps of your IT project into life. Whether you decide to use GanttPRO, Microsoft Project,[4] WordPress, HubSpot CMS, or other content management systems, just make sure its functionality adheres to the assigned project requirements, and you have all the needed options available. You will need to consider not only planning, content creation, and publication but also its analytics to apply adjustments along the way when needed.

11.  Attention to Allocation of Resources

Understanding what needs to be done, what exact type of content is expected, and when specifically, is essential for success. But writing a top content plan is not possible without proper execution. You need to know who will be developing the content and what resources are required for this process. A successful content plan outlines general responsibilities and people in charge of every specific component, what tools or equipment are needed for completion, and every item's workflow from start to end.

Part 2 - Tips for Content  Part 2 - Tips for Content

4. For more information, see:
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