This Guest paper was submitted for publication in February 2021.
It is copyright to Jessica Fender, 2021.
Published here June 2021

Introduction | Why Is a Content Plan Essential? 
Part 1 - Tips to Implement for Starters | Part 2 - Tips for Content
Part 3 - Tips for Structure  | Part 4 - Tips for Awareness  | Conclusion

Part 2 - Tips for Content

4.  Be Well-Informed, Do Your Homework

Writing a content plan for an IT project is not a simple task per se, but it will become impossible to complete without careful preparation and extensive research. Make sure to dedicate enough time to review all project-related documentation, communications, and specifications. This will allow you to understand the end-user's needs and expectations much better and define the initial goals properly.

5.  Complete Assessment

Many IT projects are not started from scratch, and their owners already have some content. You will need to determine whether that content adheres to your current needs or maybe it should be completely omitted to ensure the project can reach new goals. Assessment of success should also include identifying the gaps so that they could be eliminated while developing your content plan. Don't be afraid to ask the client, as discussion helps to achieve shared understanding and be on the same page

6.  Brainstorm Ideas for Content Plan

As a rule, one person alone cannot complete an IT project. Those who are working on the content plan should also communicate with the involved members of the team. It may be considered as the benefit of an Agile Methodology[2] in project development and management. Everything that makes the initial content plan turn into a successful IT project and also makes the entire process easier is worth considering. Ideas of your teammates may also trigger a new and effective approach that you would like to implement immediately, so all changes should be used. This tip to use while writing a content plan is also beneficial in terms of motivation and creating a team spirit. The team will feel the possibility to make an impact and work together to achieve a better result. You will also get to know the team better and this will help when it comes to allocating tasks.

Illustration #2 [3]
Part 1 - Tips to Implement for Starters  Part 1 - Tips to Implement for Starters

2. For a detailed description, see:
3. Source:
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