The views expressed in these reviews are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the books under review are the copyright property of the respective authors.
Published here July 2018

Introduction to the Books
Book 1 - What if Common Sense was Common Practice in Business?
Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Book 2 - A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders' Management Engagement
Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked | Conclusion

A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders' Management Engagement
by George Jucan


Today, all of the people associated with a project can be considered as Stakeholders to varying degrees. That is, they may range from:

  • Those responsible for the project's conception and implementation,
  • To those who will be, or conceive themselves to be, impacted by the outcome of the project,
  • To those who are only marginally affected.

And, of course, the larger the project, the larger is the number of stakeholders. Alas, not all stakeholders will view the project in the same positive light but, nevertheless, their collective impression will determine the perceived level of project success.

Author George Jucan makes a bold statement in the title of his Pocket Guide, by crossing out "Management" and substituting "Engagement".[14] George claims that as a project manager you cannot "manage" stakeholders whether above or below you, except perhaps for the direct members of your own project management team. But you can actively "engage them" as George sets out to explain how in this pocket guide.

About the author

George Jucan is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, trainer and author, with over 25 years of successfully enabling organizational performance through effective project, program and portfolio management.[15]

Book 1: What if Common Sense was Common Practice in Business?   Book 1: What if Common Sense was Common Practice in Business?

14. The latest PMBOK® Guide has introduced a new discipline titled Project Stakeholder Management, using the word "Management" for consistency with all the other disciplines such as Scope, Quality, Time, Cost, etc.
15. Jucan, George, A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders' Management Engagement, Organizational Performance Enablers Network, Ontario, Canada, 2017, back cover page.
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