Copyright is to the respective authors. Published here October 2020.

Introduction | The Biggest Project of All | Most Potent Quality of a Leader
Handling Too Many Projects | Standing Up Against Overload | Nuggets of Wisdom

Question 5 - Nuggets of Wisdom

RM: Imagine you had a time machine that allowed you to visit your younger self, perhaps before you ever ventured into a career in PM (for the purpose of the question imagine there would be no repercussions of this discussion other than simply having a conversation). You only have 1 hour before the machine has to take you back. What would you say to your younger self? What advice would you give him? What nuggets of wisdom would you impart?

MW: Simple. Study my Issacons. Make sure that project management is really what you want to do in life — decide whether or not you are suited to that kind of work. And read this paper:

RM: Here is an excerpt I took out:

"So, for those in, or entertaining the idea of getting into, project management, it is very important to establish whether you are really cut out for it. By my reckoning, some 30% of the working population is not suited to project work of any kind and those people should seek careers elsewhere. For the rest, the work is exciting, satisfying, and full of opportunities."

Now note my closing quote, which is as Max said: "If you are comfortable with all of that, then go for it. As I said, the work is exciting, satisfying, and full of opportunities!"

Rick Mann
Director, Development & Construction
Question 4 - Standing Up Against Overload  Question 4 - Standing Up Against Overload

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