The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman. Published here January 2023.

Introduction | Our Latest Move | Amica on the Gorge | The Layout of the Building
Our Personal Situation | Food, and Getting There | Benefits of Choice

Amica on the Gorge

So now here we are in Victoria at Amica on the Gorge

Amica on the Gorge
Amica on the Gorge

This is a huge building right on the edge of the Gorge waterway. Believe it or not, the place is really like the photo taken from on the Gorge itself. Here the Gorge is quite wide both up and down stream. I have several varieties of daily walks and come sun or rain I always marvel at how attractive this area is — and how lucky are the people who live here.

The start of my daily walks
The start of my daily walks
Part of my daily walk further along the Gorge
Part of my daily walk further along the Gorge

Of course, being on the west coast, the weather is milder compared to most of Canada, but that remains to be seen through the coming winter. In fact, since I started this account, we have been treated to a 13-inch dump of snowfall. That's quite good competition with Toronto for this time of year.

Another difference compared to "back east" is that this area is quite hilly - indeed, the building is built on the side of quite a steep hill — so some walks require determined effort. Walking along the side of the Gorge, however, is rather like a linear park and so the walk is easy. There are always people walking their pets and sometimes good for a chat — but "walking the Gorge" for exercise is serious business.

Our Latest Move  Our Latest Move

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