This Guest paper is copyright to María Elena González © 2022. Published here May 2022.

Introduction | The Current Status of Remote Jobs 
Location-Based Payment | Tech Workers Want Higher Salaries
People Are Reskilling to Get Better Salaries | In Summary

María Elena González is a seasoned content writer based in Venezuela. After earning her Bachelor's Degree in Broadcast Journalism from Universidad del Zulia, María started working as a writer, journalist, video editor, and digital marketer. Her goal at Career Karma is to gain more experience as a tech writer and be part of a large online community of like-minded learners. María's other professional interests include forensic psychology and journalism, where she wants to use technology to share statistics and conduct research.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the entire work ecosystem forever. Although remote jobs were already a thing before the pandemic, this trend has accelerated worldwide. This means everybody lives in different locations, with different time zones and living costs.

Therefore, companies need to be creative in terms of salaries. Today, we'll explore some of the effects of remote work on tech salaries.


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