This Guest paper was submitted for publication February 12, 2020. It is copyright to Scott Matthews © 2020.
Published here April 1, 2020.

Introduction | Hybrid Project Management Approaches | Remote Teams
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Kanban Boards | Training Weak Performers

Remote Teams

Having a team structure that is well distributed is highly appreciated by a lot of organizations. This is because using remote teams is much cheaper by comparison, and can also be more productive. This is especially true when the whole team is being managed effectively and efficiently with the appropriate management tools.

This trend is predicted to continue through 2020. Hence project teams working remotely are already becoming the standard in the project management world today. Further, project managers are now moving on to apply their investments in technology to increase the effectiveness of their communications using a number of platforms.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things is a network of devices that are able to communicate with each other and the end-users as well as using the Internet. Interestingly, IoT intersects with all aspects of project management, including team collaboration and even data collection. One advantage that IoT has in project management is the ability of the devices to detect and respond to what is happening around them, making manual intervention quite minimal, indeed, if needed at all. You are therefore able to provide better and faster service. Hence, IoT will be very important for project management in 2020 as it reduces the cost of operation, minimizes error, and increases the response time on the project.

Some other advantages of IoT are:

  • Control and monitoring the overall process;
  • Ability to break out project data that is highly valuable;
  • Deeper and easier Data Analytics; and
  • Faster Reporting.
Hybrid Project Management Approaches  Hybrid Project Management Approaches

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