This Guest paper was submitted for publication February 12, 2020. It is copyright to Scott Matthews © 2020.
Published here April 1, 2020.

Introduction | Hybrid Project Management Approaches | Remote Teams
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Kanban Boards | Training Weak Performers

Scott Matthews is a digital marketer and an adviser on writing effective resumés at Academic Writing Services in the UK. He is also a blogger and provides a knowledgeable essay service with his blog posts. He takes a keen interest in people and wants to help them do well. He is also a lover of arts and good music and loves to travel and meet new people.


The digital era that we are now in has seen us experiencing changes to the way project management is undertaken. Indeed, over the year, we have seen many trends come and change the landscape of project management, especially in the Information Technology (IT) world, making it an evolving part of every business. For new businesses and startups, they might have to embrace one or two tools and methodologies from the way project management was formerly handled, to avoid ending up failing. So, it is advisable to ensure that you are still in touch with the evolution of project management practices and that you are up-to-date with the changing trends in the PM world.

Looking to the future, there will be some trends carried over from the previous year, but rest assured, there will be new project management trends in 2020. As a professional, you have to be prepared to know what these trends are and be prepared for them. According to expert predictions, here are the trends that will define the scope of project management in 2020.


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