This Guest paper was originally published in the January, 2016 PM World Journal.
With some updating of the text, it is reproduced here with the permission of the author.
Copyright Stacy Goff, © 2016.
Published here June 2016

PART 1 | Our First Insights into the Stairway to Talent
A "Driving" Example of Talent Progression | Achieving Performance
Role Competences: Another Dimension for Talent Development
Talent Management Area 3: Managing and Retaining Talent
Maintaining Team Motivation and Morale | A Talented, Appropriate, Recovery Action

Role Competences: Another Dimension for Talent Development

Whose job is it to assure that every project and program has the right talent, at the right level? I assert that Sponsors and Resource Managers are responsible for maximizing that Project Talent score. By now it should be clear that it is not just project manager talent we seek; all team members, and those who manage them, must demonstrate the appropriate talent for their roles. Sponsors and Managers thus have two areas of responsibility:

  1. To assure that the project gets needed talent, at the right times, and in the right level of engagement;
  2. To contribute their own strengths and time where their Role Competences are required.

Review the chart at the right. It reflects the five-point scale for each Talent Area, with both the targets, and the average scores of each key role stacked in a bar chart.

With four talent areas, and five maximum points per area, the maximum possible score is 20 points. A minimum desirable score would be 10.

The colors reflect the four talent areas: Blue = Technical; Red = Interpersonal; Yellow = Enterprise Context; Green = Product Talents.

Based on your review, answer these questions:

  1. Can a strong senior project manager "save" this project?
  2. Which role requires the most development to "carry their weight" on this project?
  3. Which role is the greatest source of Enterprise Context Talent, and which one should be?
  4. What would you do if this were your project?

This sample of a role competence assessment is not from a real project; many are far worse. Few organizations can even provide the accurate assessment data needed to produce this chart. A typical report from an effective competence assessment shows a list of gaps and strengths of each stakeholder. This roadmap for Talent Acquisition is valuable both for project risk management, and for longer-term talent development.

Summarizing Talent Management Step 2, Talent Development

You will note that I have not discussed the steps of actually developing Talent: The teaming, coaching, pairing, recognizing, and sharing. Many authors have covered that topic in detail, with excellent insights into the actions beyond the classroom — where the true business impacts develop. Instead of exploring talent development detailed actions, I have explored and explained a framework for understanding and tracking the precious nature of Project Talent. I did so because most current project and program-oriented Talent Development approaches fall far short of the business need. To some extent, this is because of too frequent cases of spending the majority of project learning funds in short-term memory, knowledge-retention courses, rather than launching participants on the talent trajectory to the higher performances that I have discussed.

Achieving Performance  Achieving Performance

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