This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is copyright to Mark A. Seely© 2016.
Published here May 2017

PART 4 | Editor's Note & Table of Contents
Chapter 11: Dynamic Baseline Model (DBM) Implementation
Establishing a Realistic Performance Expectation | Managing Performance at each Level - Section 1
Level  4: Enter the Challenge of Risk | Bringing it to Ground | Measuring Performance at each Level
Seeking Opportunities for Improvement  | Chapter 12: Conclusion | The DBM Ten Commandments
Appendix A: DBM Complexity Diagnostic | PART 6

Chapter 12: Conclusion

We have discussed five levels of project complexity. We have suggested the project approach need be established in the context of the five and that management considerations cannot be reduced to a form simpler than the five without abrogating essential management responsibility. In other words:

Level 1 — The plan is in place, it has been reduced to a set of process rules, follow the rules while seeking opportunity to improve.

Level 2 — put the plan in place — plan the work, then work the plan.

Level 3 — put a plan in place that will get you to the next marker — managing through financial optimization, establish a plan for how and when you will review performance and adjust the plan.

Level 4 — notwithstanding the project you think you have, reflect on the mission and vision for the corporate entity, establish the external determinacies, transform the entity to maintain its vitality in the new world, as a secondary interest consider how to segue to an optimal variant of the intended product.

Level 5 — establish a concept of the public will, test it through debate, implement in conformance with the public will.

We discussed the project team and the importance of the team's perseverance in bolding going where no one has gone before. It is hoped the five levels will shed some light on their challenge, provide an enhanced corporate management appreciation for their efforts and, thereby enhance motivation. The 10 commandments of the DBM are provided below for ease of reference.

Seeking Opportunities for Improvement  Seeking Opportunities for Improvement

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