Published here June, 2009.

Introduction | Book Structure | Summary


In its early chapters, Morfaw's book presents a valuable description of what TQM is and what it involves. This will be valuable to those confronted with TQM for the first time. In contrast, Chapters 5, 6 and 7, provide a general overview of the activities of various organizations working to improve health in Africa. This information will be of most interest to those working in the field or contemplating doing so.

The detailed plan presented in Chapter 8, as the author states, is for "ministries of health and their related departments, public and private health organizations, hospitals, clinics, health centers, health insurance companies, nursing and rehabilitation centers".[5] Nevertheless, it provides a good example of the sort of considerations that should be given to, and actions taken in, a Total Quality Management Implementation Plan.


Since this review, Author John Morfaw has advised that he is rewriting his book with a view to restructuring and updating some of the content. He expects to publish the new version later in 2009.

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Book Structure  Book Structure

5. Ibid, p93
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