The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman. The contents of this book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here October 2014.

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


Robin Hornby summarizes his book under "Steps to Success" in Chapter 12 as follows:[14]

"We have completed our exploration of the business lifecycle for commercial projects from the viewpoint of the CPM[15] and the Services Business Owner. A lot of ground has been covered — chapters that provide a briefing on core topics, followed by formalization of procedures for the five phases,[16] including a presentation of numerous forms and templates found to be practical and useful. It is in danger of being overwhelming!

"There is also a danger that in my enthusiasm, I leave the reader with the erroneous impression that the CDM[17] is in itself a recipe for success. Success is, unfortunately, not so easy. The CDM is, after all, only a methodology. I believe that it is the right methodology, and puts the CPM and the firm on the right road, but it won't do the running for you.

It is not in our scope to cover all topics that contribute to the successful services firm, as pleasing as that would be. None the less, to acknowledge that we are positioned in a specialized niche and only part of the success puzzle, here is a summary of the complementary areas of knowledge needed to build a services business."

Robin then provides brief comments on the following topics:

  • Supply versus Demand Management;
  • Balancing the Organization;
  • Client Management;
  • Billing Multiples and the Marketplace; and
  • Taking Care of Employees

If you are involved in the type of project work described in the text, then this is the book for you.

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Downside  Downside

14. Ibid, Chapter Twelve, Steps to Success, p287
15. Commercial Project Manager
16. The five phases according to Robin are: Opportunity; Bid; Initiation; Execution, and Completion.
17. Commercial Delivery Methodology
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