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Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary 

Book Structure

The structure of the book is straightforward. Successive chapters are devoted to PMI's published sequence of Risk Management Planning; Risk Identification; Qualitative Risk analysis; Quantitative Risk analysis; Risk Response Planning; and Risk Monitoring and Control. These chapters are preceded by a PMP certification look-alike test of 25 questions and a couple of chapters covering an overview and inputs into the process. The idea of the test is that you do it before you read the book, read the book, and do it again afterwards to demonstrate how much you have learned as a result. If you think that taking the same test twice is cheating, then there is a separate Final Exam, of 50 questions, to try instead. Of course, if you are in a hurry, you can pass up on this feature.

The chapters are lavishly endowed with well-organized bulleted checklists, Rita's quick-read Tricks of the Trade®, sidebars, tables, forms, and illustrations or worked examples. Each chapter concludes with a Chapter Summary covering the Key Concepts described, Key Terms introduced, a couple of games and questions for discussion. The games involve "Matching" definitions to their respective labels and identifying "What Doesn't Belong" to relieve the monotony, help commit these things to memory and test your progress.

The book is rounded out with four appendices, a Glossary (of risk management terms) and a brief Bibliography. The appendices cover: Accomplishing Risk Management when Doing High-level Estimating; Risk Categories and Lists of Risks; a Risk Chart Exercise; and finally, comments on The PMP® and CAPM® Exams.[2]

Introduction  Introduction

2. Ibid. p320.
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