The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here March 2021

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


Steven Manchel has unearthed a key element of employment, namely freedom to move amongst opportunities pursued by different employers, and this is key to a successful career in the project management field. Then, in effect, he has identified what amounts to any project manager's serious personal project with significant risks, if not handled properly. As he says:[11]

"What I seek to impart is how individuals who are transitioning, and how companies doing the hiring, understand not only the legal requirements imposed on Transitioning, but also the overall temperament of a well-run departure process. Look, any good attorney can read an employment agreement or a non-competition clause or handle a piece of litigation.

But how do you manage the risk and scope of litigation before there is a lawsuit, before you have even resigned? Moving to another company, especially to a competing company, is akin to divorce. Is it going to be a nasty divorce, or one that, under the circumstances, is manageable?"

There is no question that: "[Steven] is singularly capable of taking complex legal issues and packaging them in a way that the most inexperienced among us can understand and appreciate. He has given the readers an incredible user-friendly way to protect themselves and to lessen their stress."[12]

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Downside  Downside

11. Ibid, p4.
12. Ibid, Quotation, James B. Adelman, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Commonwealth Financial Network on the back page of the book.
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