Published here, September, 2001.

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The Implications of Improving Performance

Why should we want to improve performance? Because the overall goal of project management is not only to achieve successful results but to be seen to have done so. This translates into stakeholder or "customer satisfaction".

Over the last two decades, there has been much study and discussion on the contents of the project management process. Currently, the Project Management Institute has identified ten major elements forming the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). These consist of four core objectives (or constraints): the management functions of scope, quality, time, and cost; and four interactive and adaptable management functions of risk, human resources, contract/procurement and information/communications. In addition there are the elements ofÊ integration and success, all of which can be managed.

This complex relationship can be conveniently illustrated as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Project Management Integration - The Source of Success
Figure 1: Project Management Integration — The Source of Success
Technical versus People Management  Technical versus People Management

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