The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the authors.
Published here April 2016

Introduction | About the Authors | Book Structure
What We Liked | Downside | Summary


This book concludes with the following observations:[23]

"Even before you opened this book you already knew that your project, the project, could only succeed with contributions, support, sponsorship and approvals from people. Unfortunately, in the real world, individual people and groups often do not behave according to the clean, uncomplicated rules implied in project management textbooks and in methodologies old and new. In fact these Stakeholders present difficulties simply by behaving as people — that is unpredictably, irrationally, emotionally or unhelpfully — which in turn has an impact on the Project and you."
"This book only scratches the surface of these issues and we're are not the first to consider the role of social psychology in the work place."
"[But] we hope this book opens up a new type of thinking within the project management community that is honest about the impact of human behavior."

We believe that over all, this book provides sound advice at a level of depth to make it understandable and actionable. In short, it provides valuable content for every project manager's emergency kit back.

And further, may we take this opportunity here to suggest that the "classic" body-of-knowledge sections on Project Human Resource Management and Project Stakeholder Management be appropriately amalgamated, rewritten, and retitled: "People Engagement".

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Downside  Downside

23. Ibid, p89-90
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