This Guest paper was first published on the PlanningPlanet blog on January 12, 2018 and is copyright to Dr. Dan Patterson, PMP, 2018
Published here
April 2018.

Introduction | What Exactly is Artificial Intelligence?
The Problem with Project Planning Today | AI Categories | Current Approaches to ANI
Neural Networks | Which AI Approach is Best for Helping with Project Planning?
Should We Embrace or Avoid AI in Planning?

Should We Embrace or Avoid AI in Planning?

I really don't think we have a choice — and for good reason. AI is not a magical, mysterious, be-all, futuristic solution, it's already here. It is simply an incremental step in leveraging computing power to make our lives easier and better. If we can apply that to the science of building project plans, then of course that has to be a good thing.

Where I would suggest caution is to those who believe you can simply "push the AI button and automatically spit out a project schedule". That is simply not possible, and in reality, not helpful. As planners, our expertize and value is as much in the input and reasoning behind the building blocks that go into a plan as the outputted plan itself. I like to call that Human Intelligence (HI). AI makes that process better — that's plain and simple.

Mix a little AI and HI, and I think we are going down a very optimistic and progressive path to the future.

Which AI approach is Best for Helping with Project Planning?  Which AI Approach is Best for Helping with Project Planning?

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