Published February 2010

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary

What We Liked

We have always been great fans of bullets, tables, charts and graphics as a way to capture a lot of information in minimal time and space. These booklets use all of these devices as well as distinctive icons to flag directions to the reader to different types of important points in the content. They also use page layout graphics to introduce further differentiation. It is clear that the original authors exercised a great deal of careful attention to the design of these booklets to make them as useful and user friendly to the reader as possible.

We liked the key features of the book designs. For example, in both books each minor topic is set apart and dealt with under just two headings:

  • Why do it? and
  • How do I do it?

We also liked the usefulness of the content in particular such as:

  • The Project Management at a Glance chart[4] or the topics of primary and secondary interest to the key players[5]
  • The easy-to-follow case study (in PGPT) and the frequent examples (in both books)
  • Clear and concise bulleted instructions
  • The definition of key terms
  • The examples of charts and documents that are involved
  • The frequent "Tips and Pitfalls" hints signified by the cautionary Stop Hand icon

Why organizations need project management is explained in the PGPT in this way. Project management:[6]

  • Ensures that customer requirements are met
  • Eliminates "reinventing the wheel" by standardizing routine project work
  • Reduces the number of tasks that could be overlooked during the project
  • Eliminates duplication of effort
  • Ensures that projects are in control
  • Maximizes the use of resources

Well, at least, hopefully!

The PGPT also describes the project life span content in the simplest of terms as follows:[7]

  • A decision is made to launch a project.
  • A charter is prepared, which outlines the requirements and limitations of the project. The sponsor usually writes the charter in collaboration with either the project leader or the management steering group.
  • The charter is discussed with the project team and distributed to management and key stakeholders.
  • The project plan is drafted by the project team, approved by the sponsor, and distributed to management and key stakeholders.
  • The plan is executed and monitored, and the final deliverables, i.e., a product, service, process, or plan, are delivered to the project customers.
  • The project is evaluated and a closeout report is written and distributed to management and key stakeholders.

The PGEPP, on the other hand, focuses on three key areas:[8]

  • Building and Managing a Project Management Infrastructure (in Chapters 1 and 2)
  • Advanced Skills in Project Management (in Chapters 3 through 7), and
  • Leadership Skills for Project Managers and Team Members (in Chapters 8 through 10)
Book Structure  Book Structure

4. In the PGPT, p10
5. In the PGEPP, p xii
6. PGPT, p vii
7. Ibid
8. PGEPP, pp x-xi
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