Project Manager to Project Leader? and the Rocky Road Between...


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A Definition of Project Leadership

An understanding of the importance of "people" to the success of a project has developed rapidly over the last twenty five years. The major thrusts are perhaps best portrayed graphically as shown in Figure 1.[7]

Figure 1: Major Project Leadership

Figure 1: Major Project Leadership Skills

With these attributes in mind, we suggest the following definition as a simple, yet comprehensive, distillation of leadership thought in the context of a project.

Project leadership is an ability to get things done well through others.

It requires:

  • A vision of the destination
  • A compelling reason to get there
  • A realistic timetable, and
  • A capacity to attract a willing team
  Evolution of Leadership

7. Adapted from Hellreigel, D., Slocum, J. W., Jr. & Woodman, R. W., Organizational Behaviour, Sixth Edition, West Publishing company, 1992, p386.

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