The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here September 2018

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked: Part 1, Part 2
Downside | Summary

Book Structure

The content of this book is set out in ten chapters as follows:

  1. Introduction to Leading Organizational Change
  2. Understanding About Change
  3. Looking at Change from a Positive Perspective
  4. Building Change Capability Within the Organization
  5. The Value of Focusing on the People
  6. Leading Change Across Cultural and Generational Boundaries
  7. The Change Project
  8. Continuous Communication and Engagement in Change
  9. Continuous — But Not Chaotic — Change
  10. Getting Started

The book is well written in a clear and understandable style. The text is supported by a large number of detailed tables and simple figures to help in not only understanding the content, but also for practical application by the reader. From our own somewhat limited experience of organizational change efforts, we see this book as sound advice and a valuable addition to any project management practitioner's library. The book has a total of 318 pages but does not include a Glossary of Terms.

Introduction  Introduction

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