The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here November 2017

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Found Most Interesting
The Author's Case for a Five-day Workweek | The Author's Vision Now and Into the Future

Book Structure

The contents of this book are set out in eleven chapters plus a Conclusion as follows:

Part I: The Fascinating History of Work



The Agricultural Age: Before and After



The Industrial Age



The Information Age

Part II: Information Age Work and Lifestyle: The Fascinating History of Work



How We're Working Today



The Golden Age of Entrepreneurship

Part III: Why the Five-hour Workday Works



Why Employees Will Thrive



Why Companies Will Thrive

Part IV: The Tower Paddle Boards Experiment



The Final Influence towards my Leap of Faith



Implementing the Five-hour Workday at Our Company

Part V: The Future of Work



How We Might Live and Work Soon



The Renaissance Economy


This book has a total of 268 pages, including the Introduction, but does not have an index or Glossary of terms. It's just not that sort of book. So, you may be asking why am I reviewing this book amongst a long series of technical books on project management?

The answer is because it deals with a pressing issue in the hi-tech industry, the source of the majority of today's projects and, indeed, the trend in many industries. According to the author, you will learn how to:[7]

  • Improve business operations, efficiency, and profitability;
  • Attract the brightest minds, the hardest workers, and the best performers;
  • Stimulate employee performance and increase retention rates;

In ways that:

  • Can be implemented and tested at your company, temporarily and without risk, and
  • Can change your life into something better than you ever imagined possible;

All within a five-hour workday!

As the author explains:[8]

"Today, we're in the midst of a massive productivity shift for knowledge workers. And yet, the eight-hour workday hasn't changed."

He goes on to explain:

"A century ago, Henry Ford saw a sea change in worker productivity. It was the industrial revolution. Productivity and profitability soared. By giving more to his workers, he changed the quality of life of an entire nation. Today, we're in the midst of a massive productivity shift for knowledge workers. And yet, the eight-hour workday hasn't changed.

Until now, that is."

This book is about a company that had the courage to try an experiment towards re-inventing a more sensible, productive, healthy workday for today's knowledge workers, and explains why and how. The book is well written in an easy style to read.

And, oh yes, the book actually mentions the word "project" about three times.

Introduction  Introduction

7. Ibid, back cover
8. Ibid
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