The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here September 2020

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked - In General
What We Liked - In Particular | Downside | Summary


This book is well written in a clear style. It is also well organized, covering an incredible amount of advice on specifics culled from the experiences of a large number of contributors. Yet it is assembled in a logical structure covering the organizational area from the project level to the CEO. The book also follows a clear path from beginning to end through six separate so-called "Gaps" in the typical organizational hierarchy that connects projects through to the top of the establishment they serve.

The standard takeaway sections and open-ended questions that close every chapter are designed to promote discussion and reveal actual practices good and bad. Therefore, this book is well suited for use in a class of mature students with significant relevant experience.

Indeed, this book is a must-read for executives, middle management, project managers and project teams. They should all find information relevant to their jobs and, at the same time, achieve a much clearer understanding of the roles and responsibilities in the project execution stack. Filling Execution Gaps is not just reporting on potential research topics, but rather presents recommended problem-solving techniques that have been used successfully in many businesses.

In short, readers get the information they need to do their jobs.[23]

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Downside  Downside

23. Culled from observations on page p vii
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