The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of this book under review are the copyright property of author Dennis Lock.
Published here January 2016  

Introduction | Book Structure | Pearls of Wisdom - In General
Pearls of Wisdom - Specific Techniques | Summary


As we have attempted to show, Dennis Lock's book The Essentials of Project Management does indeed cover the Essentials of Project Management. As well as the copious illustrations, the text is also helped along with many short case examples taken from every day life. It does all this in a way that will be enlightening to the new comer as much as a useful memory jogger for those practicing project managers with experience but who need a helpful reminder from time to time.

In short, the book is full of good advice and is well worth keeping close by on the bookshelf.

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Pearls of Wisdom - Specific Techniques  Pearls of Wisdom – Specific Techniques

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