Published here October, 2009

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


If there is a downside, it is that I must admit that I have a keen interest in this book, not pecuniary, but because of its content and departure from the norm. The reason is because I reviewed the author's text as it developed and provided extensive comments as it progressed. I also wrote the book's Foreword, from which these remarks are taken. Nevertheless, I hope that my remarks are factual, even if somewhat prejudiced in favor.

Since I now have some page space left to play with, here follows my favorite illustration taken from Chapter 10: Concluding Remarks. Figure 1 shows how the cost of a project can get out of hand by seemingly innocuous delays in design.

Figure 1: A Causal mind map illustrating galloping costs
Figure 1: A Causal mind map illustrating galloping costs[2]
(copyright © André A. Costin, reprinted by permission)
What We Liked  What We Liked

2. Ibid, p271
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