The views expressed in these introductory reviews are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the books under review are the copyright property of the respective authors.
Published here August 2013.

Book 1 - Enterprise Project Governance
Introduction | Table of Contents | General Observations and Recommendations
Book 2 - Improving Your Project Management Skills
Introduction | Table of Contents | General Observations and Recommendations
Book 3 - Project Sustainability
Introduction | Table of Contents | General Observations and Recommendations

Book 3 - Project Sustainability: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustaining Projects, Systems and Organizations in a Competitive Marketplace by John N. Morfaw, MBA, 2011

General Observations and Recommendations

The text in this book is supported extensively by bulleted lists and comparative tables that make valuable sources of easy reference. For example, a table supporting: "Some causes of Project Failure" quotes The Bull Report (1998) survey that lists twelve items of which "Bad communication between relevant parties" is at the top at 57%. This is followed by a numbered list of 22 items that effectively expand on the table.[33]

Overall, the book is well written in a clear style, though there are the occasional overly long paragraphs, with equally long sentences (50 words) that make comprehension somewhat strained. Rather more disconcerting is the unusual subject numbering system. When we got to paragraph "1:01:02- Characteristics of Project Sustainability" we thought we were reading at two seconds past one minute past 1:00 AM. When that was followed by "1:01:02:01- Adaptability" we felt lost in milliseconds!

Nevertheless, we found the contents most valuable as a realistic reference source presented at what we would describe as a comprehensive introductory level.

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Table of Contents  Table of Contents

33. Ibid, pp18-19
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