This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is Copyright B.M. Jackson (2005).
Published here September 2005.

Abstract | Introduction | Why Email Won't Work
Why Collaborative Technologies Haven't Worked | Technology Requirements
The New Team Heart Beat | Meeting Process Redesign | Creative Work Redesign and Prototyping
Changes, New Behaviors | Training | The Virtual Organization | Conclusion

The New Team Heart Beat

Using an appropriately configured digital group memory, the team has a digital memory that is accessible by all members at any time and serves to transform the team's processes from being a series of disconnected, discrete events to a continuous flow. Team members execute on specific team goals independently or in sub-groups and update the digital group memory in an asynchronous fashion (different times) followed by integrating and summarizing the outputs of those goals for review and planning in the digital group memory and coming together at the same time. It is like blood pumping in and out of the heart as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The new team heart beat
Figure 1: The new team heart beat

Team members progress work towards objectives during the "execute" phase as depicted in the diagram. The team will then integrate and summarize the individual and sub-team work often coming together in a meeting, either face-to-face or distributed, which serves to synchronize the team. Upon review of that work, the team will re-plan for the next "execute".

Technology Requirements  Technology Requirements

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