This paper was first published in the site. Its revision was presented for publication December 9 2018.
Published here February 2019

Introduction | 1. Building Trust Within Your Team 
2. Engaging Your Stakeholders to Get Them What They Really Need
3. Making Project Risk Management an Organic Exercise
4. Understanding the Environment | 5. Applying LEAN Principles | Understanding the Basics

Understanding the Basics

What are the skills of a project manager?

  1. Building trust within your team.
  2. Engaging your stakeholders to get them what they really need.
  3. Making project risk management an organic exercise.
  4. Understanding the environment.
  5. Applying LEAN principles

What are the objectives of a project manager?

Top PMs should identify more efficient and effective processes for the team, drawing from principles well defined in LEAN methodology.

Is LEAN only suited for manufacturing?

A popular misconception is that LEAN is suited only for manufacturing, which is simply not true. LEAN methods can enhance every project and every process. It is not simply a cost reduction program, but rather a way of thinking and acting for your team.

5. Applying LEAN Principles  5. Applying LEAN Principles

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