This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is copyright to Angelo Baratta, © 2013
published here February 2015.
Much of the material in this paper was first published on line at: articles/understanding- the-chemistry-and- physics-of-change-part- 1-the-physics.html

Introduction | Business Process 1.0: All About the Parts 
Business Process 2.0: All About Your Functional Neighbours
Business Process 3.0: Is Your Problem Solvable? | Understanding Unsolvable Problems

Angelo Baratta is a business process designer, researcher and author with more than thirty years of experience in business process engineering and project management. He has led over a hundred projects for over fifty organizations, which experience has given him great insights into business processes and project critical success factors. His objective is to help businesses and professionals better design their business processes. He is the author of More Perfect by Design: The Science of Designing More Perfect Business Processes © 2010, paperback available from Angelo may be reached at:, or web:


Angelo Baratta examines the history of management theory with a view to determining its effects on project management. How did current management theories develop? Well, people have been managing work for hundreds of years, and we can trace formal management ideas to the 1700s. But the most significant developments in management theory emerged in the 20th century. We owe much of our understanding of managerial practices to the many theorists of this period, who tried to understand how best to conduct business.

One of the earliest of these theorists was Frederick Winslow Taylor who may be said to have started it all. But what some people don't realize is when he started it. Believe or not, it was around the 1890's – over 100 years ago. Mr. Taylor and his followers up to this very day continue to boast of their successes. And indeed the Taylor approach, referred to as scientific management, does have many success stories. I call this era, Business Process 1.0. But since then, the challenges have increased dramatically. Read on for Business Processes 2 and 3.


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