Published here December 2019

Introduction | Overview of the Quality Models 
The Point Model | The Duality Model | The Triangle Model | The Quadrant Model
The Takeaway

Overview of the Quality Models

The project model developed in part one expanded the classic triple constraint by replacing Scope with the fundamental elements of Objectives, Deliverables, and Activities. A new element, Trade-offs, was added. I am now proposing four quality models that contribute to the completeness and correctness of each of these elements.

These simple quality models have a pleasing arithmetic progression:

  1. The Point of Quality (the establishment of Objectives)
  2. The Duality of Quality (balancing the Deliverables)
  3. The Quality Triangle (the efficiency of Activities)
  4. The Quality Quadrant (the effectiveness of Trade-offs).

My contention is that projects implementing these four simple models are truly demonstrating project quality and have the best possible chance of delivering a quality product.

Introduction  Introduction

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