This Guest paper was originally published in August 2013 on the PICARO website.
After some editing to make for easier web site reading, it is reproduced here with the permission of the author. Copyright Leopoldo Innecco © 2015
Note: US spelling of the original text has been adopted.

Published here March 2015.

Introduction | PICARO | Propose Transformation Phase
Collect and Analyze Transformation Drivers | Align Transformation Strategy and Organization
Understanding Corporate Success Factors | The PICARO Tree of Life | Rollout Transformation


In Figure 1, the following acronyms are used:
    SNA = Stakeholders Needs Analysis
    CSF = Corporate Success Factor
    BSF = Business Success Factor
    FSF = Functional Success Factor
    BAU = Business as Usual

Figure 1: The PICARO Lifecycle
[Press here for a larger image]
Introduction  Introduction

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